List of genres
Name | Term description | Edit link |
A |
Antiphon |
Ag |
Agnus Dei |
Al |
Alleluia |
AlV |
Alleluia verse |
AP |
Processional Antiphon |
AV |
Antiphon Verse |
C |
Cantio |
Ca |
Cantica |
Cap |
Capitulum |
CaV |
Canticle Verse |
Cm |
Communio |
CmV |
Communio Verse |
Cr |
Credo |
D |
Dramatic Element (used for items of the liturgical drama that are not otherwise rubricked) |
Dox |
Doxology |
Ex |
Exsultet |
Gl |
Gloria |
Gr |
Graduale |
GrV |
Graduale Verse |
H |
Hymn |
I |
Invitatory antiphon |
In |
Introitus |
InV |
Introitus Verse |
IP |
Invitatory Psalm |
Ky |
Kyrie |
L |
Lesson |
LG |
Liber generationis |
Of |
Offertorium |
OfV |
Offertorium Verse |
Pr |
Preface |
PS |
Psalm |
R |
Responsory |
Sa |
Sanctus |
Sq |
Sequence |
Tc |
Tractus |
TcV |
Tractus Verse |
Tp |
Tropus |
V |
Responsory Verse |
Varia |
Miscellaneous |
W |
Versicle |
[MO] |
Mass Ordinary (a generic code used in the earlier Cantus indices) |
[M] |
Mass |
? |
unknown |