Chants with the Cantus ID g00474

Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 chants.
Folio Incipit Cantus ID Feast Custom text
CZ-R (Rajhrad) R 418 009r Judicant sancti* MASS In g00474
CZ-R (Rajhrad) R 418 083v Judicant sancti gentes et dominantur populis MASS In g00474 Processi, Martiniani
CZ-R (Rajhrad) R 418 091v Judicant* MASS In g00474 Proti, Hiacinthi
CZ-R (Rajhrad) R 396 093r Judicant sancti gentes et dominantur populis MASS In g00474 Processi, Martiniani
CZ-Bm (Brno) A 7115 097v Judicant sancti gentes et dominantur populis MASS In g00474 Processi, Martiniani
CZ-R (Rajhrad) R 396 102r Judicant sancti * MASS In g00474 Proti, Hiacinthi
CZ-Pu (Praha) XIII A 5c 186r Judicant sancti gentes et dominantur populis MASS In g00474 Comm. plur. Mart.
CZ-Pn (Praha) XIV D 12 238v Judicant sancti gentes et dominantur populis MASS In g00474 Processi, Martiniani
CZ-Pn (Praha) XIV D 12 252r Judicant sancti gentes * MASS In g00474 Proti, Hiacinthi