Chants with the Cantus ID g00803a

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 chants.
Folio Incipit Cantus ID Feast Custom text
CZ-OLu (Olomouc) M III 6 025r Dicat nunc Israel saepe expugnaverunt me MASS TcV g00803a Dom. de Passione
CZ-R (Rajhrad) R 418 037v Dicat nunc Israel saepe expugnaverunt me MASS TcV g00803a Dom. de Passione
CZ-Pn (Praha) XIII B 2 047 Dicat nunc Israel saepe expugnaverunt me MASS TcV g00803a Dom. de Passione
CZ-Pu (Praha) XIII A 5c 097r Dicat nunc Israel saepe expugnaverunt me MASS TcV g00803a Dom. de Passione
CZ-Pn (Praha) XIV D 12 144r Dicat nunc Israel saepe expugnaverunt me MASS TcV g00803a Dom. de Passione